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Can Grammarly check Plagiarism?


Yes, Grammarly your writing online checker has a reliable plagiarism checker tool as well that’s incomparable to other tools available. Grammarly’s plagiarism checker detects plagiarism in all your text and detects other writing issues too.

Millions of users trust and depend on it like students, freelance writers, authors, educators, and professional writers who rely on Grammarly’s plagiarism checker for them to be able to create authentically well-written works. It would save you time and see better results with Grammarly’s plagiarism checker and writing feedback tool.

Grammarly’s online plagiarism checker would check and compare your text to over 16 billion web pages and academic papers stored in ProQuest’s databases. When part of your work is similar to something written online or in a database, you’ll get a plagiarism alert at once.

When using Grammarly's free online plagiarism checker to detect plagiarism you don’t have to wait long as you’ll see an instant report that would tell you and warn you whether or not plagiarism was found and how much grammar and writing issues are present in your writing. You’ll be assured that no other plagiarism checkers will see your document at all.

Grammarly and Plagiarism

Aside from plagiarism checking in Grammarly, you would get help with your writing mistake correction and writing enhancements.

The plagiarism checker is an integral part of this dependable and solid writing app that offers advanced feedback on your writing mechanics like grammar and spelling as well as to other complex stylistic issues like in your word choice, conciseness, tone, and overall concept.

How to Check Plagiarism in Grammarly?

Grammarly’s online plagiarism checker is available in the free version and the upgraded Premium plan wherein the plagiarism checker would also flag specific sentences and it would give you reference information about the source, would calculate an overall originality score for your writing as it offers you advanced writing feedback and corrections in many aspects.

Their plagiarism checker would not make your writing known publicly or visible in any other database that assures its security and safety.

How do Grammarly Plagiarism Checker works?

It’s very easy and simple to use plagiarism in Grammarly. You just need to click on the plagiarism button. It would do the job for you and it would automatically compare your text to billions of web pages and even academic papers in all private databases looking for sentences or paragraphs that have been published elsewhere that might be similar or a duplicate to yours already in existence.

Grammarly would then flag your text that may need a citation and provide links to the source where matching text was found. You’ll also get an overall originality score for your writing.

After Thoughts

It’s always great to be original and Grammarly’s plagiarism checker would also help you produce better-written materials that would overcome your usage of commonly written and redundant wordings.

Finding a somewhat the same conveyance of thoughts as yours could make you push harder to write even better and originally.

Thank heavens, there’s Grammarly free and Premium’s plagiarism checker that would help you avoid being generic and similar to others and that your paragraphs might need references.

Be safe and check your works against plagiarism with Grammarly!

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