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ClickMeter Conversion Parameters


clickmeter conversion parameters

Users can create up to 15 customized conversion parameters to be recorded and reported in the ClickMeter dashboard. To make recording and reporting possible in these customized parameters, users would have to set up these new additional customized parameters.

ClickMeter would be able to record these additional customized parameters by users having to use cp00 to cp14 for the syntax of the parameter with the conversion snippet. These will come after the "?" in your tracking link. For example:

<img height='0' width='0' alt='' src='//www.clickmeter.com/conversion.aspx?id=XX7121600E0B49A499EF591CE8XX&val=0.00&comperc=0.00&cp00=abc&cp01=1234/>

How to create your conversion parameters at ClickMeter?

In the ClickMeter dashboard, go to the settings.

Then create your conversion parameters at https://my.clickmeter.com/conversions-settings.

You need to assign a friendly name and description for each of your parameters. Remember to select the "View in reports" check-box to enable these parameters.

Once you have set up everything, the parameters will be visible and exportable in separate columns from the event stream report: https://my.clickmeter.com/ClickStream.

Your customized parameters would be displayed in each detailed report. If you do not see the custom parameters columns in a specific report, click on the gear icon found on the right-hand side of your dashboard and trigger them to be shown by clicking on the appropriate checkboxes.

How to track your conversion value?

You would be able to track your different parameters such as conversion value, commission value, and user-defined parameters.

So let’s take a look at one of the conversion codes that you’ve created. Click on the action button and select one of the conversion snippets you’ve created.

var ClickMeter_conversion_value = '0.00';
var ClickMeter_conversion_commission = '0.00'
var ClickMeter_conversion_parameter = 'empty';

You can see here the three different parameters used to track different values during a conversion. The first conversion value denotes the value of a particular conversion. This can be the price of a product, subscription, and cost.

The second parameter is the commission value. You can this to track the commissions that you receive through a particular conversion. For example, if you are an affiliate marketer, pay per lead or pay per conversion then this parameter would calculate your commissions.

The third is a user-defined parameter. You can assign any values such as product names, product IDs, and more. You should update this code with your values and update the thank you page again with the modified conversion code.

You can get additional information about these conversion parameters from ClickMeter’s support center article. This document would get to be updated time by time. You could check it for more options for you in the future.

You would be able to check the conversions by clicking the report and then clickstream. You can see the conversion time and details of the person who made the conversion. Detailed reports are available on your conversion details page.

From your CLickMeter dashboard, you should click on reports and then conversions. Here you can see all the conversion’s full details. Here you can see the conversion value, commission value along with the time of conversion. To see a list of all the clicks you can visit the details page by clicking on the conversion name and then selecting list clicks. Here you can see the conversion parameter values.

If you want to change any of the conversion settings go to the top menu, settings, conversions. Here the first or last click could be set to figure out which click led to the conversion from the same user in the same link or if the user clicked on multiple times. You can also select a Cookie expiration to be used to set the conversion cookie expiration date as well as the type of currency for your conversions.

After Thoughts

ClickMeter is a great kind of conversion tracking that is right for you.

You can have the ability to edit your website. Either you or your webmaster would be able to add the tag to your website code.

ClickMeter has a new WordPress plugin tool to measure the effectiveness of content-marketing strategies too. Companies using WordPress for content marketing can now measure which blog post is producing the most conversions with the new plugin.

There are a lot of great things that ClickMeter has to offer to its users and they constantly up their level.

They’re truly a game-changer in their online services in helping advertisers, agencies, affiliates, and publishers to optimize their digital presence through the management, tracking, and monitoring of marketing links.

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