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Will Grammarly work with Google Docs?


Yes, Grammarly works with Google Docs. Grammarly is here to improve your writing in Google Docs.

Most of us use it using Word but it’s now available in Google Docs where you could do a lot of collaborative projects accomplished. Yes, there’s now a beta version of Grammarly for Chrome in Google Docs to all users.

Grammarly had been a part of our writing since 2009. Now it’s being used daily by 20 million people and 2,000 plus of companies and institution entities around the world.

Why use Grammarly in Google Docs?

One of the most requested features of Google Docs users is the Grammarly browser extension and it would be fantastic to use these two together! It was only recently that this was made possible.

It was first available in Grammarly's Premium plan but everyone has the opportunity to use it now.

How could you use Grammarly in Google Docs?

For now, everyone could use Grammarly for Google Docs on Google Chrome. You just need to sign in to your Grammarly account and have the Chrome browser extension. Install Grammarly for Chrome if you still don’t have it.

Upon opening any document in Google Docs, you would see a pop-up letting you know you’ve been given access to the beta. Once you see that, check for the Grammarly logo in the bottom right corner. It simply means it’s working!

If your document is long, you may see a message asking you to confirm that you want the entire document to be checked.

All of Grammarly’s corrections and suggestions would appear as red underlines in your words or phrases. Click over each red underlined word or phrase to see the suggestion, and click also to accept it. And to reject it, hover below the suggestion and just click on the Ignore icon.

Grammarly would start to review your Google Doc for grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.

It’s best for all users to edit their document pint by a point which is a great feature in Grammarly.

After Thoughts

This is surely something to be thankful that all Google Docs’ users could now integrate with Grammarly to have each of their documents edited and checks for all their Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation issues, and a lot more!

And Grammarly is nowhere near done since they continue to aim for new heights as they keep on working toward their vision of building a comprehensive communication assistant to help people connect with and understand one another, no matter what the context or medium is.

As being the number 1 writing assistant they thrive to keep to working to be able to provide seamless services across multiple platforms and devices and to offer a variety of plans to serve everyone’s needs.

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